Do Residency Bans Drive Sex Offenders Underground?

Early last year, Los Angeles set aside a sliver of land in its Harbor Gateway neighborhood for the city’s newest and smallest park: two jungle gyms on a fifth of an acre.

The project was more than just an effort to increase the city’s green space. City Council members made clear that one of the park’s principal reasons for existence was to force 33 people on the California sex offender registry who were living in a nearby apartment building to move out. State law bars those on its registry from living within 2,000 feet of a park or school. Full Article

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Well, you had all those registered citizens in Harbor Gateway because it was hard for them to legally be anyplace else. If you get rid of the residency restrictions, you get rid of what caused the clustering of offenders in the first place. Lets help Harbor Gateway by getting rid of those restrictions.
And I hate to say it, but some of the general population of Harbor Gateway may need counseling so as to reduce their level of fear and ignorance.

It seems to me that it shold be unlawful to creat a micro park, or any park, for the purpose of harassing RSOs out of an area.


Seems like a no brainer to me…let’s see…”YOU ARE NOT WELCOME” and you are not welcome anywhere actually…so kinda makes it difficult to even exist “legally” trying to find someone to rent to you.

Now..make a LAW that allows legal discrimination to make finding a place to live even more difficult (actually impossible because we would be breaking the “law”)!

So if that were aimed at ANY OTHER minority it would be illegal and civil rights lawyers might actually be interested in helping right the wrong. Say it was aimed at Blacks, Jews, or Gays…BUT…lump a group of completely unrelated individuals together in a sub-group based on a wide variety of crimes ranging from victim-less to full blown rape and few people care about the details…just keep the “pervert” out of my neighborhood!

How many times is this question going to be asked? How long does it take for the clear and obvious to sink into stupid peoples minds? Is it not clear by now that with the inception of megans law the state opened a Pandora box of problems for it’s self and that the state doesn’t have the honesty to admit it erred to the destruction of countless families and that things got worse when the even smaller minds on the county and city level joined the manufactured witch hunt?

Yes! wake up! Residency bans are a bad thing for everyone and serve no useful purpose; never have and never will.

More distortions by the media to dishonestly report:
“State law bars those on its registry from living within 2,000 feet of a park or school.”

They never mention the tens of thousands whose cases were closed decades ago. If they did that, the hype, hysteria and chaos would be mitigated. Where are the truly informed and honest reporters?